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November 29, 2009



Looks great! Where can you buy tapioca flour in KC? I've had trouble finding it before. Thanks!

Susan Gallagher Oehmler

You can buy it at the Brazilian Supermarket in Overland Park. It is located at 11012 Quivira, just south of I-435 behind McDonald's.


Yes, Supermercardo Brasilian at 110th and Quivira is a wonderful option, but I usually buy Bob's Red Mill brand from Hen House, Whole Foods or Price Chopper in the organic or gluten free section of the store.

Wedding Photographer

wow that look delicious


I am doing a Brazilian dinner for a family birthday. Other dish suggestions?

Jenny Vergara

Re: [The Making of a Foodie] Mary submitted a comment to Po de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread)

Hi Mary,

Sure, Im happy to help. What kind of a Brazilian dinner you are having? I have many recipes and would be happy to share. Just email me through the blog at [email protected].


I'm Brazilian. I am very happy to see that people from other countries, also like our food. Realy the cheese bread is very traditional in our breakfast.
Sorry my bad english

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